
[Official announcement of new open source project]GoView low-code data visualization development platform joins Dromara open source community – News Fast Delivery – Chinese open source technology exchange community

GoView low-code “data visualization” development platform about the author Name: Running Noodles Member of the dromara open source organization, author of dromara/go-view Front-end senior development engineer, has open sourced many data visualization related projects, and has rich practical experience Lecturer of “Blue Bridge Cloud Course” data big screen related courses Personal space: About GoView […]

[Official announcement of new open source project]GoView low-code data visualization development platform joins Dromara open source community – News Fast Delivery – Chinese open source technology exchange community Read More »

PhotoDemon Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Instant Photo Editor – News Fast Delivery

PhotoDemon is an ultra-lightweight, installation-free, open-source photo editor. PhotoDemon is only 14 MB in size, but provides comprehensive photo editing tools.It runs on any Windows machine (XP to Win 11) as a portable application, you can put it on a USB drive or SD card and take it with you becauseit doesn’t need to be

PhotoDemon Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Instant Photo Editor – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Apache Flink Statement on Akka License Changes – News Fast Delivery

Akka is a toolkit and runtime that simplifies the building of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. The project announced a license change, from Apache 2.0 to BSL v1.1 (Business Source License). BSL is a “source code available” license, and future developers who want to use Akka (version 2.7+) in production will need to

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Winamp 5.9 officially released, the classic multimedia player – News Fast Delivery

The official version of Winamp 5.9 has been released. The main changes in Winamp 5.9 are improved compatibility with Windows 11 and optimized performance of playing https:// streams. The developers also said that Winamp 5.9 may not have changed much for end users, but the underlying codebase has changed dramatically, with an upgrade from Visual

Winamp 5.9 officially released, the classic multimedia player – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Fresh 1.1 officially released, Deno full-stack web framework – News Fast Delivery

Fresh 1.1 stable version has been released, the new version contains many important improvements to make Fresh easier to use, faster, and more useful. Fresh is Deno’s new full-stack web framework. By default, web pages built with Fresh do not send JavaScript to the client. The framework has no build steps and can reduce deployment

Fresh 1.1 officially released, Deno full-stack web framework – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Finally realized a programming language of my own – crossoverJie’s personal page – News Fast Delivery

It is said that the three major romances of programmers are: operating system, compilation principle, graphics; the last graphics is indeed a specific professional field, which we can hardly touch, so it is more suitable for me to switch to the network, and finally plus a database. If these four technologies can be mastered, wouldn’t

Finally realized a programming language of my own – crossoverJie’s personal page – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Q2 2022 Go Developer Survey Report – News Fast Delivery

The Go Blog has released the Go Developer Survey for Q2 2022. According to reports, a total of 5,752 developers participated in this survey, sharing their experiences and insights on using the new features in Go 1.18. main findings Generics have been rapidly adopted.Most respondents are aware that Go 1.18 has officially supported generics, and

Q2 2022 Go Developer Survey Report – News Fast Delivery Read More »

LibreOffice 7.3.6 released – News Fast Delivery

The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 7.3.6, the sixth maintenance update in the LibreOffice 7.3 office suite series, bringing another layer of bug fixes and improvements: Extra lines appear when rendering selected SVG in LibreOffice Spreadsheet crashes when exporting to MS Excel 2003 XML Crash when closing a document after changing and saving it MS

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Wine 7.17 Released, Compatibility Layer for Windows Applications – News Fast Delivery

Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) is a compatibility layer that can run Windows applications on a variety of POSIX-compliant operating systems (such as Linux, macOS, and BSD, etc.). Rather than mimicking internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, it translates Windows API calls into dynamic POSIX calls, freeing performance and other behavioral

Wine 7.17 Released, Compatibility Layer for Windows Applications – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Basic Pitch Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Spotify Open Source Lightweight Audio Converter – News Fast Delivery

Basic Pitch is a Python library for Automatic Music Transcription (AMT), using a lightweight neural network developed by Spotify.It’s small, easy to use, and works with pip installInstall. Efficient and easy to use, Basic Pitch’s multi-scale support, ability to generalize across different instruments, and its note accuracy can compete with larger, more resource-intensive AMT systems.

Basic Pitch Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Spotify Open Source Lightweight Audio Converter – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Android 13 (Go version) minimum hardware requirements: 2GB RAM and 16 GB storage – News Fast Delivery

The Google Android Developers Blog has announced the minimum hardware requirements for Android 13 Lite (Go Edition). Android Go is a mobile operating system for entry-level smartphones with low RAM and is often used to create more affordable entry-level devices optimized for low memory and slow processors. Android Go was first released in 2017, and

Android 13 (Go version) minimum hardware requirements: 2GB RAM and 16 GB storage – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Chocolatey package downloads and installs exceed 2 billion – News Fast Delivery

Users familiar with Linux and macOS should know Homebrew, an open-source package management system that simplifies software installation on Linux and macOS. The same Windows platform also has a corresponding package manager, that is Chocolatey. In March of this year, Chocolatey also celebrated its 11th birthday. Recently, Chocolatey officially released news that the number of

Chocolatey package downloads and installs exceed 2 billion – News Fast Delivery Read More »