
WMLS Homepage, Documents and Downloads- Material Library Management System- News Fast Delivery

The material library management system WMLS 0.1.0 is now released, and the specific updates include: background-category management/label management background-personnel organization position management/parameter setting File information) Foreground-file batch upload Foreground-resource list (number of columns, layout, refresh, sort, search) Foreground-resource details (preview, picture color selection, picture enlargement, streaming media playback) Foreground-file management (delete, move Classification, multiple selection […]

WMLS Homepage, Documents and Downloads- Material Library Management System- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Zhiyin-zsh-theme home page, documentation and downloads – zsh default prompt modification script – News Fast Delivery

Zhiyin-zsh-theme modifies zsh’s default prompt to a dance animation only because of the shell that has been practiced for two and a half years. running result: In addition, it also supports making a sound after the operation fails. The configuration method is as follows: function zhiyin_sing { afplay ~/Downloads/niganma.mp3 } trap zhiyin_sing ERR

Zhiyin-zsh-theme home page, documentation and downloads – zsh default prompt modification script – News Fast Delivery Read More »

JavaGPT homepage, documentation and downloads – Java GUI interfaced with ChatGPT API – News Fast Delivery

JavaGPT is a Java GUI that interfaces with the ChatGPT API. characteristic: chat stream Just like a website, responses are generated in real time You can abort the response while it is in progress chat record View and interact with previous chats Save chat records as .json

JavaGPT homepage, documentation and downloads – Java GUI interfaced with ChatGPT API – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Chart-GPT homepage, documentation and downloads – AI tool for building charts based on text input – News Fast Delivery

Chart-GPT is an AI tool that builds charts based on text input, converting text into beautiful charts in seconds. First clone this repository: git clone cd chart-gpt Then copy the .example template with cp .env.example .env and add your OpenAI API key: OPENAI_API_KEY=”your-api-key” Then install dependencies and start the development server:

Chart-GPT homepage, documentation and downloads – AI tool for building charts based on text input – News Fast Delivery Read More »

BuZhiYin Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- macOS taskbar monitoring plug-in- News Fast Delivery

BuZhiYin is a macOS taskbar monitoring plug-in that integrates only elements. use screenshot Project Introduction The little ones will dance in your taskbar, and jump faster as the CPU usage increases (anti-correlation can be configured). The specific styles support: cute kitten dancing because Customize and add various GIFs … #BuZhiYin

BuZhiYin Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- macOS taskbar monitoring plug-in- News Fast Delivery Read More »

PicX homepage, documentation and downloads – GitHub API-based picture bed tool – News Fast Delivery

PicX is a picture bed tool developed based on GitHub API, which provides image upload hosting, image link generation and common image toolbox services. highlights Simple– No download, no installation, no platform, browser online use. free– PicX is built with a clever combination of multiple open source technologies and is completely free.

PicX homepage, documentation and downloads – GitHub API-based picture bed tool – News Fast Delivery Read More »

BMTools Homepage, Documentation and Download- ChatGPT-Plugins Open Source Solution- News Fast Delivery

BMTools is an open source repository that enables language models to use extension tools, and it is also a platform for the open source community to build and share tools. In this repository, you can (1) easily build plugins by writing Python functions, (2) use external ChatGPT-Plugins. This project is supported by open source projects

BMTools Homepage, Documentation and Download- ChatGPT-Plugins Open Source Solution- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Buzzer Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – eBPF Fuzzing Toolchain – News Fast Delivery

Buzzer is a fuzzing toolchain for eBPF that allows writing eBPF fuzzing strategies. A fuzzing strategy is a method of generating random eBPF programs and then verifying that they do not behave unexpectedly. use Install bazel run bazel build :buzzer Run buzzer as root sudo ./bazel-bin/buzzer_/buzzer or use CAP_BPF sudo setcap CAP_BPF=eip bazel-bin/buzzer_/buzzer ./bazel-bin/buzzer_/buzzer #Buzzer

Buzzer Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – eBPF Fuzzing Toolchain – News Fast Delivery Read More »

System76 Scheduler Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Pop!_OS Scheduler – News Fast Delivery

System76 Scheduler is the kernel scheduler for the Pop!_OS system that automatically configures CFS and process priority to improve desktop responsiveness. System76 Scheduler low-latency CPU scheduling will be automatically activated on AC, and the default scheduling delay is set to battery. Processes are scanned periodically and process priorities are assigned based on configuration files. When

System76 Scheduler Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Pop!_OS Scheduler – News Fast Delivery Read More »

demo-ureport Homepage, Documentation and Download- Report Designer- News Fast Delivery

This project is based on the modification of the ureport2 open source project. It mainly refactors the front end, adopts the vue-admin-template template framework, uses echarts to display graphics at the front end, and uses charts supported by itself when downloading excel and word. ureport2 is a high-performance pure Java report engine based on Spring,

demo-ureport Homepage, Documentation and Download- Report Designer- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Razix Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – High Performance Game Engine – News Fast Delivery

Razix is ​​a high performanceCross-platform 2D and 3D game engine with support for multiple rendering APIs (OpenGL, Vulkan DirectX 11, GXM, GCM, GNM and GNMX), with special emphasis on scene optimization and implementation of state-of-the-art rendering techniques, with an emphasis on experimenting with different rendering techniques. Razix supports Windows, Mac, Linux, PSVita and PS3 systems.

Razix Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – High Performance Game Engine – News Fast Delivery Read More »

GeekDesk Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- Desktop Quick Start Tool- News Fast Delivery

GeekDesk is a small and beautiful desktop quick start management tool, and it also integrates Everything search. Integrate Everything to quickly search all files 2.5.14 and later versions integrate the Everything function Global hotkey one-key exhalation mouse follow Customize the hotkey settings and use the shortcut keys you are used to

GeekDesk Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- Desktop Quick Start Tool- News Fast Delivery Read More »

LocalAI homepage, documentation and downloads – drop-in replacement for OpenAI – News Fast Delivery

LocalAI is aAutonomous, community-driven, simple local OpenAI-compatible API, written in go. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on the CPU of consumer-grade hardware. Supports ggml-compatible models such as: LLaMA, alpaca, gpt4all, vicuna, koala, gpt4all-j, cerebras. OpenAI compatible API Support multiple models After the first load, it loads the

LocalAI homepage, documentation and downloads – drop-in replacement for OpenAI – News Fast Delivery Read More »