
EdgeGPT Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- Bing Chat Reverse Engineering- News Fast Delivery

EdgeGPT is the reverse engineering API of Bing Chat AI. set up install module python3 -m pip install EdgeGPT –upgrade Require python 3.8+ A Microsoft account that has passed the waitlist (required) You need to be in a country supported by New Bing (VPN is required in mainland China) Check access permissions (required) Install […]

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Laravel Livewire homepage, documentation and downloads – Laravel-based full-stack framework – News Fast Delivery

Livewire is a full-stack framework for Laravel that makes it easy to build dynamic interfaces without leaving Laravel’s comfort zone. View all documents: Install Livewir including PHP composer require livewire/livewire include javascript … @livewireStyles </head> <body> … @livewireScripts </body> </html> #Laravel #Livewire #homepage #documentation #downloads #Laravelbased #fullstack #framework #News Fast Delivery

Laravel Livewire homepage, documentation and downloads – Laravel-based full-stack framework – News Fast Delivery Read More »

RedPajama Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Large Language Model – News Fast Delivery

The RedPajama project aims to create a leading set of fully open source large language models. Currently, the project has completed the first step, successfully replicating more than 1.2 trillion data tokens from the LLaMA training dataset. The project is jointly developed by Together,, ETH DS3Lab, Stanford University CRFM, Hazy Research and MILA Quebec

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SFighterAI Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – “Street Fighter” Intelligent AI Agent- News Fast Delivery

The SFighterAI project trained an intelligent AI agent for clearing the bottom boss of Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition based on deep reinforcement learning.The intelligent agent makes decisions based entirely on the game screen (RGB pixel value). In the first round of the last level in the given archive of the project, it can

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PhysAI Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- AI System for Physics Equations- News Fast Delivery

The PhysAI Open Source Project is a collaborative initiative to develop an AI system that can generate physics equations, test them, prove their validity, and improve their physical meaning.The project’s ultimate goal is to link the equations of quantum mechanics and general relativity, two of the most fundamental physical theories that describe how matter and

PhysAI Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- AI System for Physics Equations- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Animated Drawings Homepage, Documentation and Download- Image to Animation Tool- News Fast Delivery

Animated Drawings is a project that converts drawings into animations. This project aims to be a useful creative tool that allows you to create animations with the flexibility to make your own drawn characters the protagonists. Project website: Install This project has been tested on macOS Ventura 13.2.1 and Ubuntu 18.04. You may experience

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DPaint.js Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Web Based Image Editor – News Fast Delivery

DPaint.js is a web-based image editor, modeled after Deluxe Paint, focusing on the retro Amiga file format, DPaint.js can read and write Amiga files and IFF ILBM images. DPaint.js doesn’t need to be built, it also has zero dependencies so there is nothing to install. DPaint.js is written using ES6 modules and works out of

DPaint.js Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Web Based Image Editor – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Chocolate Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Open Source Media Manager – News Fast Delivery

Chocolate is an open source media manager that allows you to manage your media collection and organize it in an easy-to-use and easy-to-search way, this product uses TMDB’s API. Construct Chocolate uses the following techniques: Install Linux go to The latest version download named install.shThe latest installer for put it where you

Chocolate Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Open Source Media Manager – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Perseus homepage, documentation and downloads – Rust-based web development framework – News Fast Delivery

Perseus is a blazingly fast front-end web development framework built in Rust that supports generating page state at build time, request time, incremental time, or whatever you want. Support static generation (only provide static resources) Support server-side rendering (provide dynamic resources) Supports revalidation (updates the rendered page) after a period of time and/or with custom

Perseus homepage, documentation and downloads – Rust-based web development framework – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Anonymous Chat Room Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- Anonymous Chat Room- News Fast Delivery

Anonymous Chat Room is an open-source web chat software, based on livekit and Next.js anonymous chat room, which can conduct text and voice chat, and supports voice recording. demo Online experience address: This demo useslivekit cloudThe free service will automatically stop when the free quota (50G traffic per month) is exceeded features The deployment is

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Pixi Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Pixel Art Editor – News Fast Delivery

Pixi is a cross-platform open source pixel art editor and animation editor written in Zig. Currently under development. 0.1 Planned features Typical pixel art manipulation. (drawing, erasing, color selection) Easily create animations and previews, edit directly on the preview. View the previous and next frame of the animation. Sets the sprite

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Wayback Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Self-Hosted Archive Service Integrated with Internet Archive – News Fast Delivery

Wayback is a self-hosted archiving service integrated with Internet Archive,, IPFS, and more. Support running as a command line tool and docker container, the purpose is to save the snapshot of the web page. Features free and open source cross-platform compatible Batch backtrack URLs for faster archiving Built-in CLI for easy use Integrate Internet

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BabyAGI JS Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AI-Driven Task Management System in Javascript – News Fast Delivery

BabyAGI JS is a JavaScript-based AI agent that creates, prioritizes, and executes tasks using the GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 architecture. It integrates OpenAI’s language models to create a powerful AI that can handle a wide range of tasks. characteristic: Task Creation: Generate new tasks based on the current context and goals. Task

BabyAGI JS Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AI-Driven Task Management System in Javascript – News Fast Delivery Read More »

vlife Homepage, Documentation and Download- Low Code Platform- News Fast Delivery

The vlife platform is an open source model-driven low-code rapid development platform, based on the rapid development framework of SpringBoot+React, which separates the front and back ends. It consists of core components and permission management scaffolding (vlife-admin) application. address view front end The front end is developed with React, TS4, tailwindcss, Hooks, Semi, and

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