
HiUI Homepage, Documentation and Download- Enterprise-level mid-background design system- News Fast Delivery

HiUI is a set of design specifications and front-end componentization solutions suitable for middle and back-end systems. It can help developers quickly achieve consistent interaction and beautiful interface development. It is open sourced by the Information Technology Department of Xiaomi Group. characteristic Proficient in the interaction and visual design of middle and back office […]

HiUI Homepage, Documentation and Download- Enterprise-level mid-background design system- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Squircle CE Homepage, Documentation and Download- Android Multilingual Code Editor- News Fast Delivery

Squircle CE is a fast and free multilingual code editor for Android. Squircle CE Currently supports coding in the following programming languages: ActionScript, C, C++, C#, CSS, Fortran, Go, Groovy, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Json, Julia, Kotlin, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, PHP, Python, Ruby , Rust, Shell, Smali, SQL, Toml, TypeScript, Visual Basic, XML, and YAML.

Squircle CE Homepage, Documentation and Download- Android Multilingual Code Editor- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Undb Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – No Code Database – News Fast Delivery

Undb is a privacy-first, unified, self-hosted no-code database. Only sqlite3 is required by default. characteristic: privacy first Lightweight, only one file storage is required by default Self-host in seconds customizable Multiple built-in field types and variants Different types of views including grid, kanban, tree, calendar, etc. technology stack

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CameraUnit Homepage, Documentation and Download- OPPO Open Interface for Imaging Capabilities- News Fast Delivery

Capability Opening (CameraUnit) It is an open interface of OPPO’s imaging capabilities, which can eliminate the gap between the system’s imaging capabilities and third-party applications. Users can also obtain the same shooting experience as OPPO cameras in third-party applications. It provides a lightweight, fast and efficient way to access the image function of the ColorOS

CameraUnit Homepage, Documentation and Download- OPPO Open Interface for Imaging Capabilities- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Codes Homepage, Documents and Downloads- R&D Management Platform- News Fast Delivery

Codes is an efficient, concise, and lightweight one-stop R&D management platform. Contains requirements management, task management, test management, defect management, automated testing, cicd and other functions. Codes helps enterprises accelerate the process of integrating R&D, testing, and operation and maintenance: Under normal circumstances, the slash-and-burn Test link has stepped on the brakes for automated Dev

Codes Homepage, Documents and Downloads- R&D Management Platform- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Infinigen Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Infinigen High Quality 3D Data Generator – News Fast Delivery

Infinigen is an infinite high-quality 3D data generator for procedurally generated infinitely realistic worlds. These data are 100% generated procedurally, do not require external assets, do not rely on AI, and are free and open source. The quality of the generation is very high. It is said that it can be faked, and even the

Infinigen Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Infinigen High Quality 3D Data Generator – News Fast Delivery Read More »

STDF Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Mobile Page Component Library Based on Svelte and Tailwind – News Fast Delivery

STDF is a mobile page component library based on Svelte and Tailwind. characteristic No runtime, no virtual DOM, faster online operation; Rich API, easy to configure component styles that meet the needs; Based on Svelte and Tailwind, coding is fast and easy; Support dark mode; Provide rich Chinese and English

STDF Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Mobile Page Component Library Based on Svelte and Tailwind – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Amphitheater Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Instantly launch a new automated development environment in the cloud – News Fast Delivery

Amphitheater is an open source developer platform that facilitates the continuous development of applications and microservices. You can iterate your application source code locally and then deploy to a local or remote Kubernetes cluster just like docker build && kubectl apply or docker-compose up. Amphitheater handles the workflow of building, pushing, and deploying applications. It

Amphitheater Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Instantly launch a new automated development environment in the cloud – News Fast Delivery Read More »

SVT-AV1 Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AV1 Open Source Codec – News Fast Delivery

SVT-AV1 is an AV1 open-source codec initiated by Intel and Netflix, which provides codec performance levels suitable for a variety of applications, from video-on-demand to live streaming encoding and transcoding. Designed to provide high-quality, high-performance AV1 encoding, SVT-AV1 is part of the Scalable Video Technology (SVT) family of encoders that exploits the parallel processing capabilities

SVT-AV1 Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AV1 Open Source Codec – News Fast Delivery Read More »

MMagic Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- AIGC Toolbox- News Fast Delivery

M Magic (multimodal Aadvanced, Genergizing, and Iintelligent Creation) is an open source AIGC toolbox for professional AI researchers and machine learning engineers to process, edit, and generate images and videos. MMagic allows researchers and engineers to use state-of-the-art pre-trained models and easily train and develop new custom models. Currently MMagic supports various image and video

MMagic Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- AIGC Toolbox- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Ebou homepage, documentation and downloads – cross-platform Mastodon client written in Rust – News Fast Delivery

Ebou is a cross-platform Mastodon (and Pleroma, untested) client written in Rust using the Dioxus UI library. It’s currently on macOS [stable]、Windows [beta] Runs on, theoretically on Linux [untested] run on. Ebou is a different take on the Microblogging / Mastodon experience. It groups new Toots by author and displays them in a different UI

Ebou homepage, documentation and downloads – cross-platform Mastodon client written in Rust – News Fast Delivery Read More »

SysLinuxOS Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – The Distribution for System Integrators – News Fast Delivery

SysLinuxOS (for system integrators) is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution designed for system integrators and system administrators. It provides a complete network environment that integrates various software tools with a friendly graphical interface using the Mate or Gnome desktop. SysLinuxOS comes out of the box with all networking tools installed by default. No need to

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Distrobox Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Run Any Linux Distribution in Terminal – News Fast Delivery

DistroBox is a tool that simplifies running different flavors of Linux in containers. It is one of those great tools for people who often need to use multiple different distributions of Linux and can save you a lot of time and effort. The tool is designed to simplify the creation and use of Linux system

Distrobox Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Run Any Linux Distribution in Terminal – News Fast Delivery Read More »

GPT Engineer Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AI Tool to Generate Code According to Instructions – News Fast Delivery

GPT-Engineer is an AI tool that generates code based on instructions. It can generate an entire codebase based on your prompts. You just tell it what you want to do and it starts building. It’s designed to be easy to adapt and extend, and learns your coding style, allowing you to complete a coding project

GPT Engineer Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – AI Tool to Generate Code According to Instructions – News Fast Delivery Read More »