
Exploration and Practice of Accurate Water Level in Stream-Batch Integrated Data Warehouse- Baidu Geek Said Personal Space- News Fast Delivery

Author | The stone that floats like a dream guide With the wide application of real-time computing technology in big data, the timeliness of data has been greatly improved, but in actual application scenarios, in addition to timeliness, it also faces higher technical requirements. This paper combines the exploration and practice of real-time computing water […]

Exploration and Practice of Accurate Water Level in Stream-Batch Integrated Data Warehouse- Baidu Geek Said Personal Space- News Fast Delivery Read More »

MindRec Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – High Performance Acceleration Library in the Recommendation Field – News Fast Delivery

MindRec is the high-performance acceleration library of Shengsi MindSpore in the recommendation field. It provides an efficient integrated training and recommendation solution and process guidance for AI models in the recommendation field. MindRec is based on MindSporeautomatic parallelization,Graph Computing Fusionand other basic technical capabilities, adding a distributed multi-level feature cache to supportTB-level recommendation modelTraining reasoning,

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“Toothpaste squeezed”, Arduino launched Uno R4 – News Fast Delivery

As one of the most popular open-source hardware on the market, Arduino Uno R3 was launched as early as 2010. This hardware, which has been born for more than ten years, can be said to be a bit behind in performance. While everyone is looking forward to it, Arduino recently officially released the upgraded version

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ReScript author joins IDEA Academy – News Fast Delivery

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as “IDEA Research Institute”) has announced that Zhang Hongbo will join the Digital Infrastructure Innovation Center of IDEA Research Institute as a chair scientist to strengthen basic software research and development capabilities. Zhang Hongbo is the author of the general programming language

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PicList V1.5.3 release, cloud storage image bed management and image upload tool, path bug fix – News Fast Delivery

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 released with new UI improvements IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 is now available. This release includes improvements to the new UI, completely overhauled based on feedback received from users. Performance enhancements have also been implemented, allowing for faster import of Maven and earlier use of IDE features when opening projects. The new version provides

PicList V1.5.3 release, cloud storage image bed management and image upload tool, path bug fix – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Ubuntu Cinnamon will be the official flavor of Ubuntu – News Fast Delivery

After three years of development since its release in 2019, Ubuntu Cinnamon has successfully obtained official Ubuntu approval and will be included by default in Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” released next month as an official flavor of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Cinnamon is an unofficial distribution of Ubuntu and Linux Mint that uses Linux Mint’s Cinnamon desktop,

Ubuntu Cinnamon will be the official flavor of Ubuntu – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Ubuntu Touch Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Ubuntu Mobile – News Fast Delivery

Ubuntu Touch is an open source mobile operating system based on GNU/Linux, built on the Ubuntu system, and provides a unique and viable alternative to Android and iOS. Ubuntu Touch was originally launched by Canonical with the goal of achieving a true fusion of desktops, tablets and phones. Canonical later shelved the project and sold

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Ubuntu Cinnamon Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Ubuntu Flavors – News Fast Delivery

Ubuntu Cinnamon is an Ubuntu-flavored version based on the Cinnamon desktop of Linux Mint. It has the characteristics of fast packaging and complete functions. Linux Mint’s Cinnamon desktop adopts a more traditional GNOME 2 and MATE-like desktop style, so Ubuntu Cinnamon is somewhat similar to Windows 7, and it is easy to transition from a

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Dynamic thread pool DynamicTp v1.1.2 released- News Fast Delivery

Introduction to DynamicTp DynamicTp is a lightweight dynamic thread pool monitoring and management tool based on the configuration center. Its main functions can be summarized into several categories, such as dynamic parameter adjustment, notification and alarm, operation monitoring, and third-party package thread pool management. After several iterations, the latest version v1.1.2 has the following features

Dynamic thread pool DynamicTp v1.1.2 released- News Fast Delivery Read More »

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 released, new UI improvements – News Fast Delivery

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 is now available. This release includes improvements to the new UI, completely overhauled based on feedback received from users. Performance enhancements have also been implemented, allowing for faster import of Maven and earlier use of IDE features when opening projects. The new version provides a simplified commit process thanks to background commit

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Nanotube Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- LLVM-based Compiler- News Fast Delivery

Nanotube is a collection of compiler channels, libraries and APIs to facilitate the execution of EBPF XDP and similar networking code on SmartNIC’s FPGA. The compiler takes as input EBPF XDP C code and outputs a packet processing pipeline in HLS C++. This HLS C++ code can then be synthesized using Vitis HLS and placed

Nanotube Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- LLVM-based Compiler- News Fast Delivery Read More »

[Live preview]Earned 800 yuan in 9 years, is it so difficult to make money through open source? – Xiao Ying’s personal space- News Fast Delivery

It is said that open source is difficult to make money, how difficult is it? Jointly released by News Fast Delivery and Gitee “2022 China Open Source Developers Report” It shows that 53.25% of developers have never received income from participating in open source outside of work; another 28.79% of developers have income less than

[Live preview]Earned 800 yuan in 9 years, is it so difficult to make money through open source? – Xiao Ying’s personal space- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Katalyst Homepage, Documentation and Downloads- Resource Management and Control System- News Fast Delivery

Katalyst is committed to solving the problem of unreasonable utilization of resources in cloud-native scenarios, and provides solutions for resource management and cost optimization: QoS-Based resource model abstraction: Provide resource QoS model selection that matches business scenarios; Resource elasticity management: provide flexible and scalable HPA/VPA resource elasticity strategies; Scheduling and placement of micro-topology and heterogeneous

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Float UI Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Collection of Modern UI Components and Website Templates – News Fast Delivery

Float UI is a collection of modern UI components and website templates built on React and Vue (coming soon) with Tailwind CSS, the components are beautifully designed and well made, allowing you to build beautiful websites. npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev open with browser http://localhost:3000 View Results. quick

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