
Inspektor Gadget Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Debugging and Inspecting Kubernetes Applications and Resources – News Fast Delivery

Inspektor Gadget is a collection of tools (or widgets) for debugging and inspecting Kubernetes resources and applications. It manages the packaging, deployment, and execution of eBPF programs in Kubernetes clusters, including many BCC-based tools, and some tools developed specifically for Inspektor Gadget. It automatically maps low-level kernel primitives to high-level Kubernetes resources, making it easier […]

Inspektor Gadget Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Debugging and Inspecting Kubernetes Applications and Resources – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Preliminary Exploration of GraalVM–JVM Black Technology in the Cloud Native Era- JD Cloud Developer’s Personal Space- News Fast Delivery

1 The dilemma of the Java language in the cloud-native era After years of evolution, the functions and performance of the Java language are constantly developing and improving. Systems such as instant compilers and garbage collectors can reflect the excellence of the Java language, but it takes a while to enjoy the improvements brought about

Preliminary Exploration of GraalVM–JVM Black Technology in the Cloud Native Era- JD Cloud Developer’s Personal Space- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Asynq Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Implementation of Asynchronous Task Queue – News Fast Delivery

Asynq is a Go library for queuing tasks and processing them asynchronously via workers. It is powered by Redis and designed to be scalable and easy to get started. A high-level overview of how Asynq works: The client puts the task in the queue The server pulls tasks from the queue and starts

Asynq Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Implementation of Asynchronous Task Queue – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Do you think it is okay to use this method to calculate the contribution of open source developers? – Yijun_’s personal space- News Fast Delivery

Editor’s note: For a long time, the contribution of individual developers in the open source community has been roughly measured by an invisible ruler, such as vague personal popularity, convincing power, etc., or titles such as Maintainer and Committer bestowed by the open source community.Correspondingly, how do individual developers benefit from open source contributions and

Do you think it is okay to use this method to calculate the contribution of open source developers? – Yijun_’s personal space- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Tracee Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Runtime Security and Forensics Tool Using eBPF – News Fast Delivery

Tracee uses eBPF technology to detect and filter OS events, helping you uncover security insights, detect suspicious behavior, and capture forensic indicators. Tracee is a runtime security and forensics tool for Linux-based cloud uses eBPF at runtimeTrack host operating systems and applications and analyze collected events to detectsuspicious behavior pattern. It can run as

Tracee Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Runtime Security and Forensics Tool Using eBPF – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Fred Brooks, Father of IBM 360 System and Author of Mythical Man-Month, Passes Away- News Fast Delivery

Fred P. Brooks, American computer architect, software engineer and computer scientist, on November 17, 2022 local timepassed awayat the age of 91 (April 19, 1931 – November 17, 2022). Fred led the development of the IBM System/360 family of computers and the OS/360 software support package, which helped revolutionize the data processing industry. He later

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API Gateway Apache APISIX Version 3.0 Officially Released- News Fast Delivery

As an open source cloud-native API gateway, Apache APISIX is committed to bringing better and better performance to developers and users in terms of performance and user experience, helping enterprises solve some new problems encountered in cloud-native and microservice technologies . At the end of September, Apache APISIX released the 3.0.0-beta preview version, bringing some

API Gateway Apache APISIX Version 3.0 Officially Released- News Fast Delivery Read More »

DuckDuckGo Browser Launches Tracking Protection for Android Apps- News Fast Delivery

Privacy-focused browser DuckDuckGo has announced the general availability of App Tracking Protection – a beta feature that blocks third-party trackers in device apps – on the Android side of DuckDuckGo. App Tracking Protection feature blocks on Androidknown trackers,It establishes a purely local VPN connection on the device, and traffic through the VPN and trackers is

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Approved, Fedora will solve the problems left over from the history of C language – News Fast Delivery

Half a month ago, Fedora put forward a new proposal, which hopes to “port Fedora to the modern C language standard”, and now the status of the proposal has been modified to “accepted”, which means that the proposal has been Approved by Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee (FESCo, Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee). The proposal

Approved, Fedora will solve the problems left over from the history of C language – News Fast Delivery Read More »

The author of curl considers upgrading the C language standard used by curl- News Fast Delivery

The founder and core developer of curl, Daniel Stenberg, blogged that he is considering whether to use the C language standard used by curlUpgrading from C89 to C99. Daniel said that he has observed many popular C language open source projects moving forward and upgrading the C language standard used to C99 or later, such

The author of curl considers upgrading the C language standard used by curl- News Fast Delivery Read More »

New Goals for the KDE Community: Accessibility, Environmental Sustainability, Automation – News Fast Delivery – Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community

This year’s KDE annual developer conference, Akademy, announcedaccessibility, environmentally sustainable software, and new community goals for internal process automation. Members of the KDE community plan to hold a talk on the 28th of this month to advance their agenda around these goals. Specifically, the new goals are: KDE for All – Improved accessibility:This isn’t the

New Goals for the KDE Community: Accessibility, Environmental Sustainability, Automation – News Fast Delivery – Chinese Open Source Technology Exchange Community Read More »

FreeFileSync 11.28 Released, Folder Comparison and Synchronization Software- News Fast Delivery

FreeFileSync is an open source software available for Windows, macOS and Linux. FreeFileSync is essentially a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between the source and destination folders and transfers only the minimum amount of

FreeFileSync 11.28 Released, Folder Comparison and Synchronization Software- News Fast Delivery Read More »