
Concave language v0.2.0 began to support Windows

Fully switch to the WAT backend, support Linux/macOS/Windows platforms, simplify command-line commands, and temporarily remove examples of strings and floating-point numbers without relying on any third-party tools. Install and test: go install wa@v0.2.0 wa init -name=_examples/hi wa run _examples/hi For more information, please refer to the homepage:… #Concave #language #v020 #began #support #Windows

Concave language v0.2.0 began to support Windows Read More »

RMS releases GNU C language learning manual – News Fast Delivery

GNU founder Richard Stallman (RMS) has been writing a GNU C language study manual for some time in the past, and now he has released an announcement to officially disclose this result – GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual (GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual (GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual) Manual),

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Elixir v1.14 released, functional programming language – News Fast Delivery

Elixir v1.14 has been released. This release brings many improvements to Elixir’s debugging experience and data type checking.Also added a new abstraction to facilitate partitioning of processes calledPartitionSupervisoras well as optimizing compile times and error messages. Also, Elixir v1.14 is the last version to support Erlang/OTP 23. Developers are advised to consider upgrading to Erlang/OTP

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Ant Design 4.22.8 released, enterprise-level UI design language and React implementation – News Fast Delivery

in Java? Try the domestic lightweight Solon v1.10.1 Compared with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud projects: 5 to 10 times faster to start. (Faster) 2-3 times higher qps. (Higher) Runtime memory savings 1/3 ~ 1/2. (Less) Packing can be reduced to 1/2 ~ 1/10; for example, 90Mb becomes 9Mb. (Smaller) Registration discovery based on service

Ant Design 4.22.8 released, enterprise-level UI design language and React implementation – News Fast Delivery Read More »

What is an index signature in a programming language? – Personal page of chai2010 – News Fast Delivery

1. Background Recently, I have participated in the development of the KCL configuration language compiler, the built-in domain language of KusionStack. The grammar of the language includes a concept of “index signature”. When participating in community discussions, I found that many small partners do not understand what this “index signature” is. , so I thought

What is an index signature in a programming language? – Personal page of chai2010 – News Fast Delivery Read More »

5th Anniversary of Kotlin as an Official Supported Development Language for Android – News Fast Delivery

At the 2017 Google I/O conference five years ago, GoogleAnnounce: Officially supports Kotlin as a First-Class (first-class citizen) language for Android development.Since then, Kotlin developers JetBrains and Google have been working closely around Kotlin and co-founded the Kotlin Foundation. As highlighted in the original I/O announcement, Kotlin is an interoperable, mature, production-ready, and open-source programming

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